Reading List

The following is a suggested reading list for students, scholars, and any other interested member of the design and business communities. This will be added to each blog, so check back for the latest additions!


Dugan, Michael K.. 2009. The Furniture Wars: How America Lost a Fifty Billion Dollar BusinessMichael K. Dugan.

Carli, Linda L. and Alice H. Eagly. 2007. Through the Labyrinth: The Truth About How Women Become Leaders. Boston, MA: Harvard University Press.

Barsh, Joanna. “Can Women Fix Capitalism?” Mc Kinsey Quarterly [September 2014].

Barsh, Joanna, Susie Cranston, and Geoffrey Lewis.  2011. How Remarkable Women Lead.  Crown Business.

Sayre, Kate, and Michael J. Silverstein. “The Female Economy.” Harvard Business Review [September 2009].